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Dr. Pimm’s Skin Clinic

if you are only treating the skin you don’t understand eczema


The Skin Creams

During your consultation, Dr. Pimm will recommend one of the creams below, or make a bespoke compound cream suited to your particular needs. Click the + sign to learn more about each of the usual creams.

  • £30-40

    Bespoke face cream depends entirely on cause; cream for Rosacea contains complex elements - for demodex mite, for bacteria, and for immunity modulation.

  • £30-35

    A blended compound cream based on your child's specific cause(s) of dermatitis.

    Usually contains:

    • Staphylococcus aureus antibiotic

    • A safely diluted steroid or immune modulator

    Price is dependent on specific ingredients used.

  • £30

    A blended compound cream based on your specific cause(s) of hand dermatitis.

    Usually contains:

    • Staphylococcus aureus antibiotic

    • Safely diluted steroid or immune modulator

  • £30

    A bespoke cream specifically for eczema flare-ups. A flare of eczema usually indicates an over-responsive immune reaction and skin toxins released by bacteria.

  • £30

    A cream designed for the maintenance of healthy skin once in remission. It only contains ingredients safe for long term use.